Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked questons about PropertyMail

PropertyMail Zimbabwe is a property marketplace that connects agencies and buyers on the same platform. It is a product of Synthify Innovations Pvt Limited. It was formed with the intention of making property search easier, quicker and mostly transparent ,Hence on our platform you see that property documents such as key check sheets and offer to buy can be put on the site and be filled by the person at home and making the search better.PropertyMail also incoroparates a brand new look to the sector and offers some modern features and a lot of other features such as compare , save search  and print property detail. So pleae feel free to use our platform 

Our membership is one of the best features because it reduces spamming and fake bogus agents because we have a free membership option that offers a lot of benefits and any agency that uses gets upto 10 free listings and the agents”negotiators” of the agency will also receive free listings.On subscrubing to this mebership it may take a minute to 30 to be approved beacuse we try to remove bogus scammers that may try and take advantage of the marvelous free listing options.

Yes definitely . Make sure that the agency or agent that you deal with has a valid Compensation Fund Certificate from the Estates Agents Council and check for the agency name on the EACZ website .

Well the majority are listed by agents or agencies on the site that have the right to do so through a mandate to sell the property.Agent listings are homes listed by real estate agents on a Multiple Listing Service (MLS), and do not include homes For Sale by Owner, non-MLS auctions and foreclosures. You can easily toggle back and forth to find great homes in each group and see great homes from both groups using search filters — no need to search twice. 

This is an account made for willing buyers to be able to communicate effectively with the agents of properties on sale .It effectively means you are able to save searches , make favourites and receive listing similar to those that may match their house interest. They can communicate with sellers through the messages platform on dashboard and hence we do and try our best for them

Question On Acquiring Properties

Every type of asset losses its value over time. Though real estate is considered to be one of the best investment opportunities, it also faces depreciation. The value of buildings may depreciate due to various reasons like poor maintenance, lack of adequate facilities, etc. However, the most important factor is the age of a building

A mortgage is a loan used to purchase or maintain a home, plot of land, or other real estate. The borrower agrees to pay the lender over time, typically in a series of regular payments divided into principal and interest. The property then serves as collateral to secure the loan.

A borrower must apply for a mortgage through their preferred lender and ensure that they meet several requirements, including minimum credit scores and down payments. Mortgage applications undergo a rigorous underwriting process before they reach the closing phase. Mortgage types, such as conventional or fixed-rate loans, vary based on the borrower’s needs.

Mortgages are loans that are used to buy homes and other types of real estate.

The property itself serves as collateral for the loan.

Mortgages are available in a variety of types, including fixed-rate and adjustable-rate.

  • A real estate agency is licensed to help people buy and sell real estate and is paid a commission when a deal is completed. The agent may represent either the buyer or the seller. It is registered with the Estates Agents Council and issued with an Compensation Certificate Fund 

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Yes, almost everything in real estate is negotiable. Typically, there is a difference between a home’s list price and how much it actually sells for. The current market’s saturation will determine how much wiggle room there is for negotiation. If you’re on the buyer’s side, expect the house to be able to be purchased for less if there is a lower demand than supply in the market. Vice versa, if you’re on the seller’s side expect it to usually sell for less. That being said, you never know who else is house hunting. Sometimes people will swoop in and offer the exact asking price

That’s up to you! For sure, home shopping today is easier today than ever before. The ability to search for homes online and see pictures, even before setting a foot outside the comfort of your living room, has completely changed the home buying game. Convenience is at an all-time high. But, nothing beats visiting a home to see how it looks and ‘feels’ in person.

When you make an offer on a home, your agent will ask for a check to accompany it (checks are the same as cash, and the deposit is typically 1% to 2% of the purchase price). Earnest money is made in good faith to demonstrate – to the seller – that the buyer’s offer is genuine. Earnest money essentially takes the home off the market to anyone else and reserves it for you.

The check (or sometimes cash) is deposited in a trust or escrow account for safekeeping. If a deal is struck, the earnest money is applied to the down payment and closing costs. If the deal falls through, the money is returned to the buyer.

Important: if the terms of a deal are agreed upon by both parties, but then the buyer backs out, the earnest money may not be returned to the buyer. Ask your agent about the ways to protect your earnest money deposit and the ways to protect it – such as offer contingencies.

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